F Semester
Course Type:
Course units:
ECTS units
Hours per week
Laboratory: 4

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office phone number: +30 2810 394059
Lab phone number: +30 2810 394068
Office phone number: +30 2810 394059
Lab phone number: +30 2810 394068

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office phone number: +30 2810 394071
Lab phone number: +30 2810 394442
Office phone number: +30 2810 394071
Lab phone number: +30 2810 394442
Objectives of the course: The primary objective of this course is for students to (1) learn fundamental approaches for experimentally investigating physiological processes, (2) learn the theoretical foundations for the methods used, and (3) understand the applicability of the biochemical methods to realistic situations.
Course contents
PART Α’: Physiology and Biochemistry of plant organisms (17 hours)
- Plant nutrition (3 hours)
- In vitro plant (Photo)morphogenesis (4 hours)
- Development of chromoplasts to chloroplasts (3 hours)
- Determination of photosynthetic production of starch (3 hours)
- Bioenergetics technologies for recording abiotic stress – Ecophysiological approaches (4 hours)
PART Β’: Animal Physiology (24 hours)
- Membrane potential (4 hours)
- Transmission of electrical signals in the nervous system (4 hours)
- Anatomy of the Central Nervous System (4 hours)
- Heart physiology - Electrocardiogram (4 hours)
- Respiratory System – Metabolism regulation (4 hours)
- Hormonal regulation in situations of anxiety/stress (4 hours)