Code: BIOL-493
Semester: H
Course Type: Elective
ECTS units: 4


Associate Professor: George Zachos
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone Number: +30 2810 394365
Lab Phone Number: +30 2810 394380


Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning outcomes and competences):  To understand the optical principles involved in light microscopy, the basic components of modern microscopes and imaging systems and their applications in answering questions of cell biology.

Course contents: Fundamentals of light microscopy; lenses and optics; resolution and image formation; dark-field, polarisation, phase contrast and Differential Interference Contrast microscopy; fluorescence microscopy; confocal laser scanning, 2-photon and video microscopy; Fluorescence resonance energy transfer, Fluorescence lifetime imaging, Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, Photoactivation, Total internal reflection fluorescence.