Code: BIOL-476
Semester: H
Course Type: Elective
ECTS units: 6


Associate Professor:  Pavlos Pavlidis
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Course contents:  

  1. Introduction to biology needed for bioinformatics analysis. Usual abstractions of biological concepts and mechanisms used in bioinformatics
  2. General introduction to R programming. The R studio
  3. Analysis of PWM for detection of Transcription Factor Binding Sites
  4. GEO, SRA, ArrayExpress and Uniprot Data
  5. Microarray analysis
    1. statistical tests, null and alternative hypothesis
    2. t-test
  6. Linear Models in gene expression analysis
  7. Linear models with more than a single variable
  8. Plots in R
  9. Analysis of population genetics data