Code: BIOL-462
Semester: H
Course Type: Elective
ECTS units: 4


Professor: Athanassakis Irene
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office phone number:  +30 2810 394355
Lab phone number:  +30 2810 394354


Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning outcomes and competences):  The course concentrates in three major Immunology topics through scientific paper presentation by the students themselves. The students come in direct contact with the most recent knowledge in all three topics and are able to express their own thought in regard to specific scientific questions.

Course contents: Topic 1: Major histocompatibility proteins: biosynthesis and role in the immune response,  Topic 2: T cell receptor: signalling to T cell activation,  Topic 3: Autoimmunity: mechanisms of autoimmunity induction and therapeutic approaches.