Code: BIOL-409
Semester: G
Course Type: Elective
ECTS units: 4
Hours per week: Theory - 2 hours


Professor: Karakassis Ioannis
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office phone number:  +30 2810 394061
Lab phone number:  +30 2810 394408


Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning outcomes and competences): Understanding the main concepts related to pollution and environmental degradation; Knowledge of the main sources of marine pollution and their effects on marine organisms; Ability to retrieve scientific information and to evaluate its relevance to marine pollution issues; Understanding the global issues related to anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment.

Course contents:  Definitions, types of pollutants, pollution sources, impacts on biological populations, communities and ecosystems. Eutrophication: impacts of nutrient discharge on pelagic food webs. Oil, metals, plastic and radioactive wastes. Pollution state of the worlds' oceans. Pollution problems in the Mediterranean. EU water framework directive. Prediction models, design of environmental monitoring programs. Mitigation of marine pollution. Critique and analysis of marine pollution issues found in recent bibliography and the press.