Code: BIOL-315
Semester: F
Course Type: Core
Course units: 4
ECTS units: 5
Hours per week: Theory - 3 hours,  Laboratory - 1 hour


Professor: Lika Konstadia
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office phone number:  +30 2810 394081
Lab phone number:  +30 2810 394092
Associate Professor:  Pavlos Pavlidis
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning outcomes and competences):  Introduction to the concepts of probability and statistics in the analysis of primary biological sequences. Brief description of available resources (databases and web-services) on the world wide web. Introductory Analysis of nucleotide and protein sequences, performance of homology searches  and basic phylogenetic analysis. Use of computational methods for genome analysis, comparative genomics and text mining.

Course contents: Introduction to Probability. “Words” in Biological Sequences. Motif Search. Gene-finding strategies and Genome Annotation. Proteomics, analysis of protein sequence and structure. Alignment methods, homology and similarity search. Phylogenetic Analysis. Analysis of sequence variation. Clustering and Classification methods. Introduction to Comparative Genomics. Intorduction to biological networks and Systems Biology.  NGS analysis with Linux and/or Galaxy platform