Α Semester
Course Type: 
Course website: 
Course units:
ECTS units
Hours per week
Laboratory: 3


Professor: Pavlidis Michael
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Office phone number:  +30 2810 394084   
Lab phone number:  +30 2810 394089
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Office phone number:  +30 2810 393619
Lab phone number:  +30 2810 393282


Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning outcomes and competences): This course contributes to the understanding of the basic principles of Zoology and practical experience with animal organisms. Thus, the course teaches students about the anatomical characteristics of animals and how these characteristics relate to animal functions. It also introduces students to the concepts of ontogenesis and phylogenesis through evolution.

Labs 1. The lab of Zoology and its facilities, 2. Anatomy of mouse, 3. Anatomy of terrestrial mollusc, 4. Anatomy of fish, 5. Anatomy of chicken, 6. Anatomy of arthropod (shrimp), 7. Histology, 8. Embryology, 9. Protozoan, 10. Human evolution 11-13. Monthly laboratory experiment.