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1.Goulielmaki E, Ioannidou A, Tsekrekou M, Stratigi K, Poutakidou IK, Gkirtzimanaki K, Aivaliotis M, Evangelou K, Topalis P, Altmüller J, Gorgoulis VG (2020), Chatzinikolaou G, Garinis GA. "Tissue-infiltrating macrophages mediate an exosome-based metabolic reprogramming upon DNA damage. Nature Communicatons Jan 2;11(1):42.
2. Chatzinikolaou G, Apostolou Z, Aid-Pavlidis T, Ioannidou A, Karakasilioti I, Papadopoulos GL, Aivaliotis M, Tsekrekou M, Strouboulis J , Kosteas T, Garinis GA (2017). DNA damage Triggers Aberrant Developmental Silencing of Imprinted Genes. Nature Cell Biology;19(5):421-432.
3. Karakasilioti I, Kamileri I, Chatzinikolaou G, Kosteas T, Vergadi E, Robinson A, Tsamardinos I, Rozgaja TA, Siakouli S, Tsatsanis C, Niedernhofer LJ, Garinis GA. (2013). DNA damage triggers a chronic auto-inflammatory response, leading to fat depletion in NER progeria. Cell Metabolism;18(3):403-15.
4. Kamileri I, Karakasilioti I, Sideri A, Kosteas T, Tatarakis A, Talianidis I and Garinis GA (2012). Defective transcription initiation causes postnatal growth failure in a mouse model of NER progeria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, 2995;109(8):2995-3000.
5. Garinis GA, Uittenboogaard LM, van IJcken W, Breit TM, van Steeg H, Mullenders LHF, van der Horst G, Hoeijmakers JH, Schumacher B (2009). Persistent transcription-blocking DNA lesions trigger somatic growth attenuation associated with longevity. Nature Cell Biology May;11(5):604-15.
6. Schumacher B, van der Pluijm I, Moorhouse MJ, Rasile Robinson A, Suh Y, Breit TM, van Steeg H, Niedernhofer LJ, van Ijcken W, Bartke A, Spindler SR, Hoeijmakers JHJ, van der Horst GTJ and Garinis GA (2008). Delayed and accelerated aging share common longevity assurance mechanisms. PLoS Genetics 15;4(8):e1000161.
7. Niedernhofer LJ, Garinis GA, Raams A, Appeldoorn E, Lalai AS, Odijk H, Oostendorp R, Ahmad A, Robinson AR, Nair P, Calder R. Brent, van Leeuwen W, Theil AF, Vermeulen W, van der Horst GTJ, Meinecke P, Kleijer WJ, Vijg J, Jaspers NGJ, Hoeijmakers JHJ (2006). A new progeroid syndrome reveals that genotoxic stress suppresses the somatotroph axis. Nature 21;444(7122):1038-43.