

                                           PHD:           1995, University of Nottingham


Recent publications

Konstantina Katsarou, Eleni Mavrothalassiti, Wannes Dermauw, Thomas Van Leeuwen, Kriton Kalantidis.*2016.  Combined Activity of DCL2 and DCL3 is crucial in The Defense Against Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid. PLoS Path, 2016 Oct 12;12(10):e1005936.

Mermiga R., Helm JM, Schumacher TH, Vlatakis I., Vamvaka E, Kalantidis K*.  2016. The Plant Homologue of Enhanced RNAi 1 (ERI-1) is Involved in Chloroplast Development. Plant J., Dec;88(5):839-853.

Katsarou K, Rao A.L.N., Tsagris M., Kalantidis K.*. 2015. Infectious long non-coding RNAs. Invited Review. Biochimie 17:37-47.

Rao A.L.N., Kalantidis K. Virus-associated smalls atellite RNAs and viroids display similarities in their replication strategies. Invited Review. Virology 479/480: 627-636.

Mermigka G, Verret F., and Kalantidis K.*.  2016. RNA silencing movement in plants. Invited expert review, JIPB, 2016 Apr;58(4):328-42.

Konstantina Katsarou, Yun Wu, Runxuan Zhang, Nicola Bonar, Jenny Morris, Pete E. Hedley, Glenn J. Bryan, Kriton Kalantidis* and Csaba Hornyik* 2016. Insight on genes affecting tuber development in potato upon Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) infection. PLoS One, 11(3): e0150711.

Chaturvedi S., Kalantidis K., Rao ALN 2014. A Bromodomain Containing Host Protein Mediates the Nuclear Import of a Satellite RNA of Cucumber Mosaic Virus. JVI, 88:1890. Featured article (Spotlight).

Dadami E., Boutla A., Vrettos N, Tzortzakaki S., Karakasilioti I, and Kalantidis K. *  2013. RNA silencing pathways may have a positive effect on Potato spindle tuber viroid infectivity in Nicotiana benthamiana. Mol. Plant 6:232-234.